Performance Resources, Inc. is a small, privately held company dedicated to improving your profits by reducing your people costs. 

We are a world-leading provider of assessment tools from Profiles International, a Wiley company. Profiles is the nation's leading developer and publisher of information tools for "people decisions." With the support of Profiles' internet-based assessment tools, we can deliver services to clients with 3 employees or 30,000 employees-and deliver them with an unparalleled level of personalized service and customized design. 

We routinely expect and deliver Return On Investment (ROI) numbers from ten to hundreds of  times the cost of our services, and provide you with the tools to document, track, and prove both the costs and the benefits. 

Our broad experience in business, combined with the research and delivery expertise of Profiles International is your guarantee that what we provide and recommend will work, and work well, in your business.

Contact us for a no-obligation conversation of how we can help make your business more profitable—and more enjoyable!