HR Warriors, Sharpen Your Swords!

In the Middle Ages, warriors were often so busy marching to war, fighting, camping, trying to get enough to eat, and all their other daily work, that their swords and axes would become dull with neglect! 

When plagues swept the continents, they often quit fighting and went home. At home, though, they didn’t have much to do, for what warrior worth the name would lower himself to plowing fields? So, what did they do?


According to the legends of the time, they often spent hours at a time, sharpening those swords and axes. When they could return to their real life’s work—fighting battles—they would be ready with the best tools for their trade!


For the first time in many years, we’ve actually been talking to HR folks who have a bit of free time, courtesy of the pandemic! (We’ve also talked to some who were busier than ever, but with different circumstances, and some who have seen their positions evaporate in the chaos.)


Sooner or later, we’ll all be back at work with all the responsibilities and workload that comes with an HR position…and, once again, we just won’t have enough time to do it all!


Wouldn’t it be nice to go back to full speed with newly sharpened weapons, and maybe even a few new tools designed to give us back some of that precious time?

We’re about to launch a new series of articles about some of the tools and approaches that might make your HR life more productive…we hope that some of them will help you improve your HR life!


--Your friends at Performance Resources

John Howard