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Read below to discover
essential tools offered only by
Performance Resources:


ApplicantPool is web-based hiring software that automates every step in your hiring process. We help you with everything including: writing the job ad; posting the job; publishing the ad; receiving resumes; reviewing, screening, tracking and reporting on applicants and new hires.  We even make you look like a rockstar with your applicants through easy-to-find online job postings, automated resume uploads, and professional email communications. Did we mention it is affordable and makes your life easier? 


SelectiveHiring (SH)
SelectiveHiring was developed as, and is best as, an efficient and affordable pre-screener. Its principal advantage, and something that differentiates it from virtually every other choice (including the PXT), is its purposeful flexibility. It allows us to assemble a pre-screening instrument around your specific needs and interests. For example, the basic concept of an honesty-integrity pre-screener is one set of scales in SelectiveHiring, and there's general agreement that any business will benefit from pre-screening for honesty-integrity scales. Your specific job, however, might also require intense teamwork; we can assess for that by adding our "Team Player" scale to the core honesty-integrity scales. Your job may need a speciflc level of supervisory skills; we have a scale for that. Safety? Rules Compliance? Attention to Detail? These, and the rest of the 44 scales can provide what you need, job by job

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